Videotron now selling the Nexus 4 for $150 on contract, $500 unlocked
After months and months of having to play the cruel waiting game, Canadians looking to score the Nexus 4 should finally have big smiles on their faces. That is, if they’ve been patient all this time. Their local Google Play branch seems to be handling the new N4 availability wave extremely well (unlike others).
Not only is the phone still in stock up north, but, according to numerous reports around the web, it’s shipping surprisingly fast – given the circumstances. However, if you’d like to pay less upfront and you’re not worried about being tied to a 3-year contract or you just want a backup option in case Play Store availability goes south again, we have some more good news.
Videotron has made good on its promise from a while ago and has finally made the Nexus 4 available, officially becoming the first Canadian carrier to sell the “precious”. Of course, there are strings attached to the network’s “kindness”, so don’t expect to get the phone on the cheap.
The “reduced price” with a monthly service fee of $49.95 or more is $149.95, while if you choose to go for a $39.95 plan you’ll have to shell out $150 extra. Videotron is also selling the Nexus 4 without any contractual obligations, but that’ll require you to pay $499.95 for the handheld.
We’re talking about the 16 GB version of the N4 here and not the 8, which will probably never come to Videotron. Still, you’re much better off if you go through Google Play, where the 4.7-incher is worth $309 in the 8 GB flavor and $359 with double the storage.
Meanwhile, other Canadian carriers are gearing up to follow Videotron’s suit, including WIND Mobile, Bell and Fido, but you shouldn’t get your hopes up for seeing better deals. The best you can hope is maybe for the on-contract price to be slashed to $100, although there are slim chances of anyone being so generous.
All things considered, is anyone seriously considering going on-contract to get the Nexus 4? I’m not even going to ask you if you’re thinking of getting the unlocked N4 from Videotron, because, well… why the heck should you?