Verizon Moto X to get MotoMaker later, bloatware present from launch
The Moto X will launch with various U.S. carriers starting with late August, although not all Moto X offers from mobile operators will be similar at launch.
However, that MotoMaker customization feature will come to other mobile operators later, with Verizon already having confirmed via Twitter that it will offer the feature to its subscribers later this year:
Considering that the handset will launch in late August / early September in the USA, that means that AT&T will have a very short exclusive Moto X offer.
The Verizon Moto X is also expected to be priced at $199 (16GB version) and $299 (32GB version), although it’s not yet clear whether the carrier will have both models in store.
As expected with carrier-subsidized Android smartphones, the Moto X will not be spared the bloatware treatment, with Verizon Moto X being singled out by both The Verge and Droid-Life for its pre-loaded software – that’s not to say that other carrier Moto X handsets will be bloatware-free though.
[quote qtext=”The Verizon Wireless Moto X, for example, is pre-loaded with a number of apps, including NFL Mobile, VZ Navigator, Verizon Tones, a voicemail app, a caller ID app, and a setup wizard. The device also has a Verizon Wireless logo on the back, and the phone checks with the carrier to see if tethering is enabled on your account before letting you share your internet connection.” qperson=”” qsource=”” qposition=”center”]
Droid-Life managed to score some screenshots for the Verizon Moto X version, which show nine pre-installed apps:
[quote qtext=”In the set of screenshots above, we’re counting nine (9) in total – Caller Name ID, Mobile Hotspot, NFL Mobile, QuickOffice, Verizon Tones, Voicemail, Setup, My Verizon, and VZ Navigator. Now, you could argue that a couple of those aren’t actually bloatware and that they are useful, but by our standards, they make the cut.” qperson=”” qsource=”” qposition=”center”]
Are you buying a Verizon Moto X?