Touch Detective arrives to Android gamers via Google Play
Since 2006 Nintendo DS users have been rocking the cult gaming classic, Touch Detective. The good news is that the time has now come, Touch Detective is available for Android via Google Play.
For those that don’t know anything about this game, Touch Detective stars a young girl as a detective that solves mysteries with the help of her friends– oh, and her pet fungus. Yes, the game is more than a little quirky.
As far as gameplay mechanics, this is essentially a point and click adventure, like the kind found on the PC during the late 80s and into the 90s. While this is an adventure game, it is also very much a Japanese-style game and has humor that can be “odd” at times.
In other words, this game might not be for everyone, but it is certainly worth checking out since the first chapter of the game is free.
If you dislike the game, no harm done. If you love it, you can also unlock three additional chapters for $4 a piece or $9 for a bundle of all three.
What do you think, interested in checking the game out or not?