T-Mobile gets wrist slapped for anti-AT&T marketing ploys

Publish date: 2023-04-16

Since launching their ‘Uncarrier’ business model, T-Mobile has been aggressively marketing themselves as being above the fray, and a better option because of it. Their claims of having the most advanced technology and fastest 4G Network are attention grabbing, but their claim of having more bandwidth than AT&T is what raised the ire of the National Advertising Division of the Better Business Bureau.

That claim, according to the NAD, was based on comparison between AT&T and T-Mobile’s HSPA networks, but ignored LTE service for both — where T-Mobile falls short. As a result, the NAD has called the claim “flawed”, and suggested T-Mobile make more pointed arguments about where and when it has the edge.

The NAD’s job is -- ironically -- to regulate the self regulation of advertisers.

The NAD also asked that T-Mobile change the language regarding their claims to the fastest network or more advanced technology. The watchdog arm of the BBB went on to suggest T-Mobile stop using coverage maps in their 4G and 4G LTE advertising.

The NAD’s job is — ironically — to regulate the self regulation of advertisers. Their rub is that T-Mobile is simply levying a series of false accusations, which T-Mobile absolutely rebuffs. In a statement, T-Mobile Chief Marketing Officer Mike Sievert said “NAD’s findings are a validation of our marketing approach. In fact, today’s NAD findings won’t result in any substantial changes to our marketing claims.”

That was echoed by CEO extraordinaire John Legere, who tweeted those exact words to The Verge. He went on to chastise AT&T, and claim their marketing was reflective of “the truth.”

T-Mobile has never shied away from attacking the incumbent carriers, and seems content to have their wrists slapped by the NAD for doing so. While all networks claim to be the best, those are macro statements made by nationwide carriers. For a better understanding, we like Open Signal, which has no dog in this fight.

