Share Text Messages On Your Facebook With SMS Board
The good news for Android lovers out there is that there is now an app that will allow you to forward SMS or text messages from your Android device to a specific email address or to your Facebook and Twitter account. The SMS Board, a recently developed Android app, has a user interface that lists down all your text messages. All you need to do is choose the message that you would like to share, pick where you want to share it, and it’s all good to go. In addition to that feature, enabling the app’s SMS Popup option will display incoming text messages thru a dialog box, which gives you the option of posting the message to any service that the app supports.
Is it better than the others?
There are also other apps such as SMS Diversion, Texty and Total SMS Control, that also allows Android device users to forward incoming texts to their mail ID, Twitter account, desktop, or even a combination of the three. SMS Board on the other hand, does not only add Facebook in its service, but also gives users an easy to understand and use interface as well as instant access to their choice of social networking or email services.
You can make the most out of the SMS Board app if you allow it to access your Twitter or Facebook account, and as long as you make sure that an email client is installed on your Android tablet or smartphone. Every time you receive a text message, all there is for you to do is tap the Tweet, FB Share or Email button from the app’s dialog box, and forward the SMS to your selected service. You are even given the option to edit the message before posting or forwarding it. However, keep in mind that the app is purely meant for forwarding text messages and currently does not support reply options within the app and only a maximum of 140 characters text message can be sent using the app.
The SMS Board can be downloaded free of charge, so it wouldn’t hurt if you give it a try so that the next time you receive an SMS that is worth sharing, posting it on your Twitter timeline, Facebook wall or emailing it to your contacts would no longer be a hassle.