Rockmelt discontinuing social web browser in favor of Rockmelt for Web
Several years ago, the Rockmelt web browser was born using the Chrominium source code. For this reason, the browser itself looks and behaves very similarly to Google Chrome. The idea was to develop a browser to serve as an alternative to Google Chrome by emphasizing social features that are not found in the competition.
In the next few months, Rockmelt will be discontinuing the web browser and launch Rockmelt for Web. This move is actually not a result of poor performance, but due to the fact that the Chrominium source code has a very consistent schedule for updates. As a result, it is costing far too much too keep up, which is absolutely essential to guarantee high and consistent performance.
Rockmelt for Web is a service that centers around content discovery and sharing. In fact, it could potentially be a popular migrating spot when Google Reader heads into retirement on July 1.
“ is now a visual stream of the web; content from your favorite sites, your favorite people, and a dash of crazy stuff you never would have discovered,” say Rockmelt’s creators Tim Howes and Eric Vishria. It attempts to combine discovery tools like RSS feeds and services like StumbleUpon with social networks to provide a complete experience.
As of right now, Rockmelt for Web is invite-only. The only exception is users of the Rockmelt web browser and the iOS application have already received invites. You can however request an invite just by heading to the service directly.