Pokémon Go Valentine’s Day event is heavy on pink, light on new content
Fans of Pokémon Go who have been waiting patiently for developer Niantic Labs to add some major new updates to the AR mobile game will be a little disappointed with this latest announcement. While the company is holding a Valentine’s Day in-game event from now until February 15, it will have little to no new content.
How to walk in Pokemon Go
The event will give players a chance to see and catch more of the pink-colored monsters in the wild like Chansey and Clefable. Also, some other Pokémon like Cleffa, Igglybuff, and Smoochum will be more likely to hatch from your Eggs. You will also get double the amount of Candy when you catch, hatch, and/or transfer Pokémon, and if you have a Buddy, it will also collect Candy twice as fast. Finally, your Lure Modules will last six hours, instead of the usual 30 minutes, as part of the event.
Yep, that’s all this in-game event will offer anyone who might still be playing Pokémon Go. Niantic Labs has not made a huge attempt to make improvements or add new content and features to the game for some time. In mid-December, it announced that a few new Pokémon were being added to the game, with the promise that more would be included in the next few months, but there’s no evidence that has actually happened.
It’s too bad that a game that hit the ground running and became an international phenomenon just a few weeks after it launched in July 2016 has failed to keep up with other popular mobile games that add new content and major improvements on a regular basis. “Cute” in-game events like this one won’t be nearly enough to bring back all those lost Pokémon Go players.
Are you still playing the game and if so, what content and improvements would you like to see in Pokémon Go? Let us know what you want in the comments!