Nook HD and HD+ from Barnes & Noble available now from Walmart

Publish date: 2022-06-09
The Barnes & Noble Nook HD and HD+ aren’t the most well known tablets out there. With most media attention being reserved for the Google Nexus 7 and the Amazon Kindle Fire HD, the Nook HD kind of slid in under the radar. However, that hasn’t stopped one of the United States’ largest retail chains from picking up the product.

That’s right, you can now get the Nook HD and the Nook HD+ from Walmart. The Nook HD will run you $199 while the Nook HD+ runs you $229. They’re available both online and at stores. If you buy online, even the slowest shipping option promises that they’ll be at your house by Christmas Eve. So it’s good if you’re doing a little holiday shopping.

Is the Nook HD or HD+ worth the price over the competition?

It really depends on what you look for in a tablet. The Nook HD is a 7 inch tablet while the HD+ is about 9 inches. Neither of them have a front or back facing camera or GPS functionality. It only comes with 8GB of storage, but unlike more popular options, there is a MicroSD card slot available. In most other cases, it’s on par with the competition, with a HD screen and a sleek form factor.

If you’re a power user who needs the fastest, most powerful tablet available, then the Nexus 7 is probably more your speed. If it’s Amazon content and multimedia experiences you crave, then you might be better off with a Kindle Fire HD. However, if you’re looking for a powerful e-reader that performs most other tasks well, then the Nook HD and HD+ may be an option worth considering.

You can find the Nook HD at Walmart’s site here and the Nook HD+ here. Does the increased availability make the Nook HD and HD+ a more attractive option as a tablet? Let us know what you think.

