Nexus 5 ‘mm-qcamera-daemon’ issues will finally be a thing of the past with Android L
Back in March Google formally acknowledged a battery draining issue caused by mm-qcamera-daemon, promising a fix was in the works. While it was only an occasional issue for most users caused when the camera subsystem would get stuck in a state that used large amounts of CPU cycles, it was still an annoying problem. Fast-forward to today, and it seems the AOSP only bug is still there for many Nexus 5 users, despite the fact that there have been several bug fixes for KitKat since its release.
Although it’s a bit frustrating that the problem hasn’t be fixed up entirely, the good news is that the issue has finally be marked in the AOSP tracker as “future release”, meaning that the final version of Android L should bring a cure to this problem once and for all. Now keep in mind that Android 4.4.3 did include tweaks to the camera code that fixed seemed to fix the problem for many users, but Android L should hopefully lay to rest any lingering problems for good.
As a Nexus 5 user myself, I can’t say I’ve ever ran into this issue at all. What say you: Any Nexus 5 users still experiencing battery drain issues they can attribute to mm-qcamera-daemon?