New HTC Droid DNA ad released by Verizon, says the device is an upgrade to yourself
In it, the carrier emphasizes the Droid DNA’s main features, presenting the device not as “an upgrade to your phone, but as an upgrade to yourself.” Obviously, the whole DNA thing is exploited in the 30-second commercial, so don’t be surprised to find phrases like “vision expanding to 5-inch 1080p HD display and camera,” “touch acquiring NFC” or “hearing evolving with Beats audio.”
The HTC Droid DNA, known as the J Butterfly / Butterfly in other markets, is definitely one of the best HTC Android devices out there, but is it enough for the Taiwan-based Android maker to help it recover lost ground in the Android ecosystem?
2013 will certainly drive competition among top Android rivals to new levels, and we can only hope HTC will put up a great fight.
Have you purchased a Droid DNA yet?