Modern Combat 3 on sale for just $.99, today only

Publish date: 2023-01-07

Gameloft’s Modern Combat 4 might be just around the corner, but that doesn’t mean Modern Combat 3: Fallen Nation isn’t worth picking up in the meantime. MC3 not only has reasonably good graphics and fast-pacing shooting mechanics, it is also dirt cheap. You can get the game for just $.99, today only.

Still not sure if you want to spend money on Modern Combat 3 with its sequel coming so soon? Gameloft, MLG and Sony have given gamers a pretty strong incentive to jump into MC3, thanks to the announcement of global cash prize competitions. These companies have had a cash-prize competition for a while now, but participation was originally restricted to a few select countries. This means that for just $.99 you will have the opportunity to compete against other players for real cash prizes.

The catch? Not much, other than you can’t suck at the game. Otherwise, you simply need a copy of MC3 and you must link your MLG/Gameloft accounts. Pretty simple. For N.O.V.A 3 fans, you’ll be pleased to know that competitions are available for it as well.  Both iOS and Android users are welcome to compete.

Anyone interested in the idea of winning cash prizes for playing MC3 or N.O.V.A. 3?

