Minuum demo brings keyboard to Android Wear
Last month the team behind the Minuum keyboard revealed they were working on bringing their one-line keyboard over to Android Wear devices. Now that the first Android Wear devices are commercially available, Minuum is bringing us an early demo showing us exactly how their keyboard works on the cramped screen of an Android Wear smartwatch.
As you can see in the video above, using the keyboard seems to work rather well, in large part thanks to the excellent predictive capabilities built into Minuum. Of course, the team behind the keyboard notes that there aren’t many apps or services on Android Wear right now that allow for the use of a keyboard. The good news is that the keyboard’s developers are committed to working with other app makers to bring the keyboard to as many apps as possible.
Do we really need a keyboard on our wrist? That’s certainly a question that’s open for debate, and the answer to it will vary depending on who you ask. On one side of the fence, there’s those that say typing on a watch is silly and that it is more practical to just pull out your smartphone in those situations. Others say that sometimes you won’t be able to use voice (like in some public places), and yet it’s still more convenient to simply jot out something on your watch’s keyboard then to get out your phone.
What do you think, does Minuum have potential on Android Wear, or do you feel that smartwatches are better off without keyboard apps? Either way, we’ll be sure to keep let you know when the app’s Android Wear support formally rolls out.