LG Cloud enters beta May 1st, will make content available on all displays

Publish date: 2022-06-05

Cloud services are, by no means, a new product of the tech world as they’ve been around in one form or the other for many years. But when LG announces that they’re entering the cloud service market, that is something new, since LG is a company that mostly makes hardware, and not software.

The newly announced LG Cloud is an alternative to Apple’s iCloud rather than being a competitor for Google Drive or other cloud storage services such as those offered at DropBox.com or Box.com. Think of it as a personal YouTube app that makes all your 2D and 3D uploaded content “almost immediately” available on your PC, smartphone, tablet, or smart TV.

Here’s LG marketing pitch: “LG makes the devices that millions of people watch content on so we can set a new yardstick for ease of use by setting up our own cloud service. Tomorrow’s consumers don’t want to go to one cloud for music, another cloud for video, another location for photos and yet another cloud for their office files. In the end, our solution is about making life more convenient”, said Havis Kwon, the head of the LG Cloud service.

Content can be uploaded to the LG Cloud from your Android smartphone via the LG Cloud App, from your LG smart TV (using a special app in the LG Smart World store), or from the PC app that you can download from www.lgcloud.com.

A very interesting feature of LG Cloud is that the video content will be converted server-side into the format best suited for the device that renders the content. This technology is called Real-time Streaming Transcoding, and it’s definitely something we’d like other cloud service providers to use in the near future. It’s also noteworthy that the video content will be streamed (and not downloaded first), in order to make the content available for viewing as soon as possible.

LG has announced that their new Cloud service will be available in both free and paid versions. LG Cloud will enter the beta phase tomorrow, May 1.

What do you guys make of it? Useless app from LG ? The best way to stream videos via the cloud? Let us know in the comment section below!

