Jay-Z giving away "Magna Carta Holy Grail" to Samsung Galaxy users

Jay-Z is giving away his new album, called “Magna Carta Holy Grail,” to users of some Samsung Galaxy devices, a full three days before the official release date.
That’s good news for at least a million Samsung Galaxy device users. In order to qualify, you have to own either a Samsung Galaxy S3, Samsung Galaxy S4 or Samsung Galaxy Note 2, and the album will be available to you via a dedicated Android app (provided you’re among the first one million users to get it). The app will be available starting June 24, and the link will be posted on the album’s website (see Source link below).
However, you won’t get the album the instant you download the app, even if you do so the second it’s uploaded to the Google Play Store. Jay-Z’s new creation will be unlocked by the app on July 4 at 12:01 AM, three days before everyone else will be able to purchase it.
Besides allowing you to download the album, the app also promises a look into the creation process of the new record. You can already catch a glimpse of the way Jay-Z, his collaborators and producer Rick Rubin (a man having worked with names as diverse as Black Sabbath, LL Cool J, Metallica, Tom Petty or Johnny Cash) in this video:
This sounds like a very interesting initiative from Samsung and Jay-Z, and it could be one of the many ways in which music will get to us in the future. With many people owning a smartphone, it only makes sense for the artist to promote his album via smartphone apps, and for companies to make their products even more visible.
If you own any of the three Samsung Galaxy devices involved, do you plan on getting the new Jay-Z album this way?