How to schedule a post on Facebook

Publish date: 2022-11-12

Creating and scheduling posts is all about managing the future of your Facebook page, ensuring you produce content in time for important days and events. Sometimes things change unexpectedly, so we’ll also look at how to edit scheduled posts and what to do when Facebook’s scheduled posts are not working. Here’s a step-by-step guide to scheduling a post on Facebook for your business or community page, or group.

Read more: How to use Facebook


To schedule a Facebook post on your business page, go to your business or community page. Click Publishing tools in the left column and click the blue Create post button. Click the downward arrow next to the Publish button and select Scheduled post. Pick the date and time you want to publish the post, and click Schedule.


Does Facebook allow scheduled posts?

Facebook allows scheduled posts, but only on business pages and groups. You will not be able to schedule a post on your personal Facebook page.

How to schedule a page post on Facebook

On mobile, you will need to download the Facebook Pages Manager app.

See and edit scheduled posts

A common issue is needing to edit scheduled posts on Facebook when something changes.

On mobile, open the Facebook Pages Manager app and tap the toolbox icon at the bottom right. Under Sharing tools, click Scheduled posts. Tap the three dots to reschedule a post.

Keep in mind that you will only be able to reschedule posts on mobile. If you want to edit any content, you will have to do it through the web app.

How to schedule a post on a group

You can schedule group posts if you are a group admin or moderator. Open your group page and click What’s on your mind,…?. Click the calendar button, select the date and time, and click Schedule.

On mobile, open the Facebook app and open your group page.

Reschedule, edit, or delete scheduled group posts

To make any changes, open Facebook and go to your group page.

On mobile, you will find Admin tools by tapping the shield icon at the top left of your group page.

What to do when Facebook scheduled posts aren’t working

If a scheduled post isn’t working on Facebook, it could be a timezone issue. Your posts are scheduled based on your current time zone, so if you travel or daylight savings causes changes, your post will not happen at the time you expect. You should also check if there’s a problem with Facebook and see if it is down.

