How to cancel Discord Nitro on desktop or mobile

Publish date: 2022-02-20

When you start subscribing to a service, it’s easy to take those premium features for granted. For example, after subscribing to Spotify, it can be hard to let go of uninterrupted, ad-free listening. However, while Discord Nitro is incredible in its own right, the service is very much usable for free. So, what if you want to cancel Discord Nitro?

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To cancel Discord Nitro, go to User Settings > Subscriptions. Under Discord Nitro, select Cancel > Continue > Confirm.


How to cancel Discord Nitro

Before canceling Discord Nitro, you’re going to want to know what you’ll be missing out on.

Curtis Joe / Android Authority

Discord Nitro is a premium service that grants users access to animated avatarscustom profile bannerscustom Discord Tagscustom emojisanimated emojisthe ability to use emojis and stickers in other serverscustom stickerstwo free Boosts30% off Boosts, higher screen share qualitylarger upload sizes, and longer messages.

These perks are worth paying for most of the time due to how often they’re used. However, if you’re sure you want to cancel your Nitro subscription, here’s how to do so on desktop and mobile.


Click User Settings.

Curtis Joe / Android Authority

Click Subscriptions from the lefthand menu under BILLING SETTINGS.

Curtis Joe / Android Authority

In the Discord Nitro banner under Your Subscriptions, click Cancel.

Curtis Joe / Android Authority

Scroll down to the bottom and click Continue.

Curtis Joe / Android Authority

Click Confirm to cancel Discord Nitro.

Curtis Joe / Android Authority

Android and iOS

Open the Discord mobile app, then tap your profile picture in the bottommost toolbar to enter User Settings.

Curtis Joe / Android Authority

Within User Settings, scroll down and tap Manage Subscription. Under YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS, find Discord Nitro and press CANCEL.

Curtis Joe / Android Authority

Tap Cancel Subscription in the confirmation pop-up to stop subscribing from your mobile device.

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What happens if I cancel Discord Nitro?

You will lose all of the perks of the premium subscription at the end of your current billing cycle. That means you will continue to have Discord Nitro until the end of the period you have already paid for. Beyond that, when your subscription ends, you will not be billed unless you decide to restart your Discord Nitro subscription.

Can you get Discord Nitro for free?

Normally, no. Discord Nitro and Discord Nitro Classic are not free services and must be paid for.

However, Discord commonly pairs up with other companies, such as Epic Games, to offer small bonuses for free. These are promotional and sporadic, meaning they aren’t always available and are unpredictable. When these kinds of promotions appear, it’s always a good idea to try and take advantage of them while they’re available.

Is Discord Nitro worth it?

Discord Nitro perks include animated avatars, custom profile banners, custom Discord Tags, custom emojis, animated emojis, the ability to use emojis in other servers, custom stickers, two free Boosts, 30% off Boosts, higher screen share quality, larger upload sizes, and longer messages.

It’s up to you to decide whether Discord Nitro is worth paying for or not. However, if you’re an avid user, these perks regularly come in handy.

