Google opens applications for Project Ara developer boards, judges your technical expertise

Publish date: 2022-10-17

Now is your chance, if you are a proven dev and have a magnificent project in mind, to snap up a Project Ara developer board. Google is taking applications now over on the Project Ara website. The developer boards in question are designed to facilitate the development of Ara modules and are subject to some strong hardware evaluation agreements.

Again, this is an application process – anyone is welcome to apply, but only a select few will be provided the board. The stronger your technical experience and module concept, the better your chances of being chosen for development. Also, there is nothing saying individuals have different chances than schools or businesses, so don’t be afraid to head on in there if you think you can bring something unique to the Project Ara world.

We have been following Project Ara closely for some time now. The concept of a smartphone that can be customized to each users’ tastes is exciting, leading us to dream about what we would each build. The replaceable modules of the Project Ara smartphone will allow users to swap out pieces like batteries, cameras, processors, storage, Bluetooth and other connectivity radios and so much more.

This opportunity for a developer board will allow people like you and I to make further modules a reality. Perhaps you envision a module that holds a thermometer, barometer, altimeter and more to facilitate mountain climbing. Maybe you re-design the module for health professionals with a portable heart rate monitor, glucose measure and more to treat patients. There are obvious limits here, it is just a smartphone after all, but it will be very exciting to see what developers like you can come up with.

There you have it, Project Ara is a smartphone whose specs are still to be determined. The modules built by the developers applying for this very dev board will help pave the way for our future dream machines. Applications are open now until the end of the day July 17th, with round two starting July 18th. If approved, your dev board could be in hand by the end of the month. Hit the Project Ara website for all the details.

If you are applying, I suspect you’ll keep your ideas a secret, if not, what module would you like most to see built?

