Google Now OS X presence suggested by code in Chromium for Mac

Publish date: 2022-01-07

A Google Now OS X implementation could be possible in the future, according to a Chromium issue log pertaining to rich notifications.

The new feature has been promoted on his Google+ page by Francois Beaufort, the noted Chrome OS developer who went on to work at Google as a Chromium Evangelist. Beaufort has said on his Google+ page that rich notifications are being implemented in Chromium on Mac, also stating that the feature is “under heavy development.” Later on, he added in a comment that a flag for the feature had been added in order for users to try it.

He also added an image of the new notifications, which you can see below.

While that may not be much, it still leaves room for a lot of questions about if and when Google Now will make it to other platforms. It’s most certainly a useful feature, one that has the chance of becoming very popular. In order to do that,  it needs to be available to as many users as possible and this seems to be a step in that direction.

What do you think the future of Google Now will be? Will it become a feature we’ll use on all of our devices, on a daily basis?

