Google Glass won't be getting porn. Ever.
Being the first at anything is always notable. The first to develop a porn app for Google Glass? Sure, that’s good for a few turned heads. What it won’t do is make it onto Google Glass.
MiKandi, the company behind – wait for it – Tits & Glass, is in a bind. The app, which allows Glass users to see pics of the human form in all its glory, was released yesterday and quickly pulled from the Glassware hub. Google changed their Glass developer guidelines Friday to reflect pornographic or adult material. The guidelines for adult material read as follows:
[quote qtext=”We don’t allow Glassware content that contains nudity, graphic sex acts, or sexually explicit material. Google has a zero-tolerance policy against child pornography. If we become aware of content with child pornography, we will report it to the appropriate authorities and delete the Google Accounts of those involved with the distribution.” qperson=”” qsource=”” qposition=”center”]
MiKandi notes on their corporate blog that they went over the guidelines very carefully to make sure their app was in compliance. It seems to be a case of coming up a little short for the porn app, missing their window of opportunity by a few days. The company is promising to re-release a conforming app today, though something about porn-less porn just isn’t appealing.