Enter HTC's contest and win a limited edition Cushnie et Ochs One X
How often do you get the opportunity to see such a fashionable and “different” smartphone as the Cushnie et Ochs edition of the HTC One X? So doesn’t it seem a bit unfair for HTC to only hand 150 or so such striking phones to celebrities?
It really does, but HTC has thought of us non-celebrities as well (after all), launching a contest that will put one half black-half white One X into the hands of one very lucky guy or gal.
I know, it still sounds like a drop in the ocean, considering how many people would love to get their hands on the ivory/ebony handheld. But if everyone could simply buy one, it would stop being so special, wouldn’t it?
Now, if you want to join that select club of Cushnie et Ochs HTC One X owners, you won’t have to do much, so, even if you see yourself like a real-life Bad Luck Brian, you should at least give the contest a shot.
To enter, you have to follow HTC on Pinterest before next Monday and repin one of the dazzling images of the HTC One by Cushnie et Ochs. You then have to go back to the original pic you decided to repin, and leave a link to your repin in the comments. It’s really easy as pie, and you only need a couple of minutes to do everything. Of course, you’ll need a Pinterest account before anything.
Not convinced of the phone’s real “market” value? Well, here’s a funny story to make you enter the contest even if you think the gadget looks like something that only Cruella De Vil would use… A Cushnie et Ochs One X was put up for auction on Ebay last night, and, after only a couple of hours, it got a bunch of bids raising its price from the initially requested $360 to around $600. Now imagine where would that price have gone in two or three days if the auction wasn’t ended without notice.
We’re not advising you to put the phone up for auction if you happen to win it (not officially, at least), but we’re just saying. Why miss out on the opportunity to get into this giveaway just because you feel like screaming for Batman’s help when you look at the “two-faced” device?
We’re of course joking with the Batman and 101 Dalmatians references and, all irony aside, I for one would definitely keep the Oreo-looking phone if I’d be lucky enough to win it. Oops, I did it again…