Dark mode rolling out to the Google app, Assistant, Search, and more

Publish date: 2022-06-09

The new feature appears to be rolling out server-side, which means it’s not entirely clear when it’ll hit everyone’s devices. No one at Android Authority has received the update, but Android Police did get their hands on the below screenshots.

If the feature has made its way to your phone, you will be able to enable or disable the option by going to More > Settings > General > Dark theme. In addition to manually changing the setting, you can also have it follow the system setting.

The update to the Google app also brings the dark theme to several other elements. When the dark mode is enabled, the Google Assistant, its overview page, explore menu, the in-app Discovery page, and more will be shown with the new interface. 

Sign up to beta test the Google app if you’re not already enrolled. After, click on the button below to make sure you have the latest build of the app installed. It appears that you need to be running version 10.4.3 or newer to be eligible for the server-side update. 

