Daily Authority: Google lawsuit revelations, Tesla Bot 🤖

Publish date: 2023-05-25

🤖 Hi there! Read on to discover why Elon Musk said "humans will be able to run away from the robot or overpower it."

August 20, 2021

We should be glad for Epic v. everyone

Ryan-Thomas Shaw / Android Authority

These Epic lawsuits have been massive eye-openers. There’s almost a story out of every unredacted email as we watch CEOs, VPs, and founders do business, always in the best interest of their businesses.

Sean Hollister at The Verge is hot on the trail of court documents out of Epic v. Apple and Epic v. Google, and as he writes: the whole Epic v. Google lawsuit, which seemed a sideshow to the Apple App Store arguments, finally makes sense.

Now, remember, complaints are assembled to look bad for the defendent, which is why being a judge is tricky.

But, in brief, here’s what Google allegedly did to stop Epic (and Samsung, by the way) launching an anti-Play Store effort to prevent “contagion risk” (I’m just going to quote large portions from the article as to what Google was doing here):

Google somehow knew about Epic’s sideloading plans for Fortnite Mobile, despite this command from Epic CEO, Tim Sweeney:

Tristan Rayner / Android Authority

And, credit where it’s due, Hollister also dug up all the internal emails available (some 800 or so) to find more dirty laundry from the Apple case. There’s dirt on Microsoft, Sony, Google, Nintendo, Valve, Netflix, Hulu and more, encapsulated in a “107 things I learned” post


🍎 Old Steve Jobs email confirms Apple was working on an “iPhone nano” in 2010 (Android Authority). (Another Epic v. Apple revelation!)

📉 Amazon killed the name Alexa: Parents are fleeing from a name that can be, at best, a nuisance and, at worst, associated with subservience (The Atlantic).

🔫 Quake’s 4K remaster is available now on PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, and PC for $10 (Engadget).

🌚 The next big challenge for lunar astronauts? Moon dust(Wired).

Friday Fun

Tristan Rayner / Android Authority

At Tesla’s AI Day presentation, something that went for more than 2.5 hours, Elon Musk unexpectedly unveiled the Tesla Bot, a humanoid robot utilizing Tesla’s vehicle AI to eliminate “dangerous, repetitive, boring tasks”.

All the best overpowering our self-driving robot friends,

Tristan Rayner, Senior Editor.

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