Chrome adds emoji translator for April Fools' Day
While Google’s Pokémon Challenge slipped out a day before April Fools’ Day, the Chrome team’s gag will only work on April 1, and will let you translate websites into the most important of languages: emoji.
As Android Police found, on April Fools’ Day the Chrome browser on Android devices (and potentially other platforms) will gain the ability to “translate” anything into emoji. The optional feature will replace words on websites with an emoji that best suits them. For example, in the phrase “Google Play Gift Cards,” Chrome will replace the last three words with a game controller, a present, and a credit card image, respectfully.
So you don’t get too confused, a “Translated to emoji” bar will appear at the bottom of the screen to remind you of the change. It might take some getting used to, but it sounds like a cute and fun diversion for the day. When you’re not busy trying to catch Pokémon and setting your Shelfie on Gmail, that is.
To play with the feature a bit early, simply change your date to April 1. Presumably the feature will only last for one day, so enjoy it while it lasts.
What website do you think looks best when translated into emoji?