Boomerang Gmail app now available for Android

Publish date: 2023-04-27

If you’ve ever received an email, and procrastinated sending a reply, you’re in good stead. We all do it, and we all forget about messages at one point or another. We make mental notes to check it again later, but life happens. We forget, or other things come up.

Maybe we put it off because we want to time a response carefully. Whatever our reason for putting messages off, we can now manage our email lives a bit better with Boomerang. The Gmail app brings a variety of gesture based functionality, as the video below demonstrates. What you’ll also see is a few great ways to better coordinate effective responses to emails.

Maybe you’re away from the office, and can’t be bothered to check a spreadsheet for info the sender needs. No bother, just set the email to bounce back, or boomerang, in the morning. You can set a custom boomerang time, or simply ask it to bother you a little later with some built-in presets.

Perhaps you need that mic-drop moment via email. You know that situation, where you need to say something, but don’t need to be confronted about it immediately. You want that big finale to the day, where you get all your issues or commentary off your chest. With Boomerang, you can also set replies to emails, or new emails, to be sent when you like. So take that long lunch with the “meeting” afterward, and know that at the end of the day, your anger and frustration will be heard!

Boomerang has been available for Gmail, but this is their first attempt at an Android app. With an average rating of 3.8, things are going pretty well for them. The app is still very young, but also very nice for those who want the ability to procrastinate, which is probably most of us.

