Attendance Tracker: Convenient attendance monitoring

Publish date: 2022-04-03

Our article on the best android apps for teachers, tutors, and educators featured apps that allow you to check your students’ attendance. Checking attendance, however, is not limited only to the classroom. You can also check attendance during events or other activities outside the classroom. If you’re a teacher and, at the same time, an event organizer for your school, it may be inconvenient to bring a separate attendance sheet for a specific class or event. Life would be easier if you could merge all your attendance sheets into one. Thankfully, we have the Attendance Tracker app to help us with our attendance-checking needs.

Unlike some attendance checker apps that primarily focus on the classroom, Attendance Tracker checks attendance for all possible events. You can use this app to check the punctuality of your students, the participants in your violin practice session, and even attendees of big and special events outside the classroom. The app’s user interface is also clean and simple to use. You can also export your attendance sheets to view them on your desktop computer.

On the main menu, you will find the app’s main buttons, such as the Attendance, Metrics & Export, Setup, and Documentations. You will also see ads popping at the bottom of the screen. To start taking attendance, you must first create an event and add participants by heading to the Setup menu.

You can add events to the Setup menu. You can create an event for your play practice, the team outing, or even replace your attendance sheet for your class. After adding an event, you will see your event on the list. Tap on it to edit that event. You can now add participants for that specific event. You can get your participants from your contact list, your groups, or manually typing the name in the app. You can also change the icon for that specific event. The app features a variety of colorful icons that will represent various events.

After you have created an event and identified the participants, you can now begin checking attendance by going to the Attendance menu. You will need to select the event and add the date by tapping the plus sign at the bottom. Tap on the date and you will be directed to your participant’s list. Here, you will find symbols for each participant. Tap the check mark if one of your participants is present at the event, or the “X” or question mark if a participant is absent. If a participant is sick or has a valid reason for not attending, you can tap the medical kit icon or add a note for that participant.

The app also allows you to export your attendance sheet so you can view it on your PC by heading over to the Metrics & Export menu. Here you can export your sheets into XLS or CSV format. You can also send your sheets to your mail or to your Google Drive account. Aside from exporting your attendance sheet, the app will also gather all your data and present them nicely on a bar chart. You can also view the number of participants of an event and the overall attendance status of each participant.

To enjoy all the features of Attendance Tracker and remove the ads, upgrade the app by tapping the unlock button at the button of the main menu.

What do you think of the Attendance Tracker? Could this app replace your attendance record book? Share your thoughts in a comment below.

