Android 11 brings revamped overview menu, screenshot shortcut
The one big changed we noticed in Android 11 Developer Preview 3 is a revamped recent apps (or overview) menu. The recent apps carousel still functions the same as in previous Android versions, but Google is adding a bit more functionality to it.
For starters, each recent app page is much larger than the smaller cards you’d find in Android 10. To see what I mean, take a look at the screenshots below. The Pixel 3 running Android 11 shows a much larger card than the Pixel 4 XL running Android 10.
Revamped app overview screen in Android 11 DP3Old app overview screen in Android 10Additionally, there are now two new screenshot options added on the recent apps screen: “Screenshot” on the left and “Share” on the right. The Screenshot option simply lets you take a screenshot of the current page that’s pulled up in the recent apps page. Instead of awkwardly pressing and holding the power button and volume down keys to take a screenshot, I can now just navigate to the page I want, swipe up to open the overview menu, then tap that button. Easy.
The Share button will be pretty helpful. If you want to take a screenshot and know you’ll want to share it right after, tap that Share icon — it’ll take a screenshot and open the share menu for you right away.
You’ll also notice the lack of suggested applications below those two new screenshot options. For some reason, Google is no longer suggesting any frequently used apps on this screen. (Check the Pixel 4 XL screenshot on the right for reference.)
Notice any other major changes in this Android 11 Developer Preview? Let us know in the comments. Be sure to also check out our other Android 11 coverage below.