All Google Play Developers can now answer to app reviews

Publish date: 2022-06-18

Android developers will be happy to hear that replying to app reviews inside the Google Play Store is now a feature open to all of them.

Now, everyone can enjoy it, so communication with app users can become a much more fluid process. For example, if a user is disappointed about a missing feature, you can prevent losing him by reassuring him that it will be present in the next version and, with Google+ also integrated, you’ll know exactly who the author of the suggestion is.

If the feature has only become available to you now, you should probably know that you can post replies directly from the Developer Console, with the reply being posted right under the review it refers to, as you can see in the example screenshot below provided by Google. The reply will be, of course, public, so you can build quite a good reputation if you have a proper reply record.

The post also mentions that email notifications will be sent to users upon your reply, so you can be sure that it reaches them. Users will also be able to update their reviews, if that’s what they want, and you can do the same with your reply.

This can only be a good measure, as feedback from users (if Google Play Developers take it into account), can only lead to better apps.

Android users, have you received any replies from developers so far?

